The Elderly & Essential Oils

Accepting Change
Diffuse for ½ an hour or apply on the middle of the forehead and over the heart.

There are many different recipes/mixes for arthritis that I’ve found. But for me and mine we’ve found that a good detox with cypress and lemon helps, followed up by applying my “Pain” mixture to the affected areas.

Bladder Infection
Apply 3 drops of “Purification” on the pelvic area over the bladder and massage a drop on the bladder reflex points of the feet.

Apply “Raven” to the areas of concern as needed.

Try a 2mL mixture of 18 drops of Lemongrass, 14 drops of Cypress, and 8 drops of Eucalyptus Globulos
Apply around the eye -- don't get in the eye, if you do wash out with olive oil, not water. Also apply to the eye reflex points on the feet and hands and ear lobes.

Always freezing? Try a mixture of equal parts of Cinnamon, Oregano, and Thyme applied to the feet and hands.

Older ones seem to be very preoccupied with how many times they have a BM. If fighting constipation try massaging “Di-Gize”, tangerine or jasmine on the colon reflex points of feet. For diarrhea apply “Di-Gize” on tummy.

Edema (Swollen feet/hands)
Apply pure tangerine to the swollen areas. If poor circulation is also a problem try a mixture of 1 part cypress to 2 parts Tangerine. Remember to drink lots of water.

Apply “En-R-Gee” on the feet every morning. Also works great when rubbed on wrists and behind ears. If Fatigue is chronic (not to be confused with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) add 40 drops to 15mL of Olive/Veggie Oil and apply as a full body massage daily.

Diffuse Roman Chamomile or Naroli essential oil for ½ an hour.

Try a few drops of “Di-Gize” rubbed on the belly.

In the hospital, one of the most forgotten areas of the body is the mouth. Rub a 50/50 mixture of “Melrose” and Olive Oil on the gums after brushing teeth.

Hair Loss
Try an equal mixture of Lavender, Rosemary, and Thyme. Add a few drops into oil and massage the scalp.

In nursing school they taught us the trick of putting a wet teabag on contact with the Hemorrhoids. Putting Cypress and Helichrysum inside and on location works those same principles. Try a 50/50 blend.

Loss of Hearing
The oil of choice is Helichrysum
Rub Valor and Helichrysum on the foot reflex points for the ears
Then apply the following essential oils one by one in the following order around the and behind the ears and back of neck and brain stem: Helichrysum, “Purification”, Juniper, Peppermint
Then massage the ears in all directions.

Loss of Loved One
An awesome blend of equal parts Geranium, Ylang Ylang, Lemon diffused as needed.

Loss of Smell
Diffuse Basil

Loss of Taste
For declined taste put 1 drop of Helichrysum on the tongue daily.

To stimulate and improve the memory try a 2mL blend of 20 drops of Rosemary, 10 drops of Basil, 6 drops of Geranium, and 4 drops of Peppermint

Nail Fungus
Apply Melrose and Thieves (diluted) alternatively on contact 2 or 3 times a day.

Massage sandalwood on the bottom of the big toes.

Sun Stroke
Older ones overheat easily in the summer. Along with conventional first aid actions, also sniff Lavender right from the bottle.

Try the “Deep-Relief” roll on or my “Pain” mixture that I’ve detailed on the ‘First Aid’ discussion page.

Try a mixture of equal parts of Frankincense, Lavender, and Lemon. Apply topically to face or any other area where wrinkles have started to show.

    Please, Send me a Sample!

*This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.

**Shipping & Handling not included.  Maximum of two samples per household.

If you would like a free sample or essential oil recipe
not included in the list above,
please contact us at:

MEX - 01-646-204-0475
USA - 1-920-785-1093
[email protected]