First Aid & Essential Oils

Asthma Attack - Sniff "R.C" a couple of times, straight from the bottle.

Blisters - (on feet and hands) Melrose, (on lips from sun) Lavender
Apply 1 drop topically on blister

Bloody Nose - Put 2 drops of Cypress, 2 drops of Lemon, and a drop of Helichrysum in a glass of ice water. Do NOT drink, but rather wet a rag and apply the cool compress to the nose and back of neck.

Bruises - Helichrysum, Geranium, Melrose, Lavender
Apply any one of these topically, or try a 2mL mixture of: 4 drops Helichrysum, 5 drops Geranium, 10 drops Melrose, 5 drops Lavender

Burns - Lavender

Earache - Put one drop of "Melrose" on a cotton ball and insert into ear. To take the pain away, put a drop of my Pain remedy (listed below) behind the ear.

Fever - Rub Peppermint on the feet.

Headache - In a pinch use Peppermint, but the best blend for a 2mL mixture is: 1/2 mL Olive Oil, 30 drops of Peppermint, and 8 drops of Lemongrass. Apply to the back of the neck and temples.

Impetigo - Apply Myrrh topically on the lips with a hot compress for 1 hour.

Insect bites - Apply "Purification" or Helichrysum on the bite to stop the itch/sting.

Labor - For early Labor, or if someone goes into Labor and you can't get help in time - rub a 50/50 mixture of Lavender and Olive Oil on the mother's tummy. This may buy you some time.

Nausea - In a pinch use Peppermint, but the best blend for a 2mL mixture is: 1/2 mL Olive Oil, 30 drops of Peppermint, and 8 drops of Lemongrass. Apply a few drops on the tummy.

Pain - I've found a great pain remedy that is actually way cheaper than "PanAway", try a 2mL mixture of 13 drops of "Valor", 13 drops of Peppermint, 8 drops of Lavender, and 2 drops of Lemongrass
Of course if you're on a limited budget Peppermint works in a pinch.

Poison Ivy/Oak - Apply "Harmony" to the itchy areas.

Scrapes - Apply equal parts of Lavender, Melrose, and Geranium to the wound. I like keeping a spray bottle with the 20 drops of each of the three suspended in water - just shake and apply - thus there is no need to touch the opened area.

Shock - To keep someone from going into shock - have them smell "Clarity".

Sore Throat - A drop of Lavender applied topically to the throat always does the trick for me.

Sprains - Apply equal parts Tangerine, Aroma Siez, and Wintergreen topically to the sprained area. Making a blend or applying each one at a time - either one works fine.

Stomach Ache - In a pinch use Peppermint, but the best blend for a 2mL mixture is: 1/2 mL Olive Oil, 30 drops of Peppermint, and 8 drops of Lemongrass. Apply a few drops on the tummy.

Swelling - Apply Tangerine directly on the area. You can add it to a little bit of oil to help the spreadability.

    Please, Send me a Sample!

*This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.

**Shipping & Handling not included.  Maximum of two samples per household.

If you would like a free sample or essential oil recipe
not included in the list above,
please contact us at:

MEX - 01-646-204-0475
USA - 1-920-785-1093
[email protected]